Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tennis: Physical Benefits

Unlike football, soccer and lacrosse, tennis is a non-contact sport that one can continue well into older age without the risk of major injury. One can play as often as they'd like, granted they aren't injured.

I have personally played tennis with individuals in their 50's and they were some of the toughest opponents I've faced. With continued play, tennis works several physical aspects of an individual.

Physical Benefits

1. Aerobic/Anaerobic Fitness 

Tennis matches can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. In that time a player is getting an intense cardiovascular workout that involves the entire body.

A player will also experience bursts of energy during points, especially during long rallies. Rest is usually followed after. This combination is great aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

This helps improve heart and lung health, lowering the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

2. Agility 

A player is constantly changing directions and maneuvering around the ball to execute the best shots.

3. Hand-Eye Coordination 

Each tennis shot requires that a player look at the ball and racquet for execution. The best players will look at the tennis ball through contact to execute the perfect stroke.

Botching a tennis ball usually occurs when the player looked away from the ball before following through contact.

With practice, hand-eye coordination is worked to great lengths.

4. Flexibility 

The various motions involved in playing has the body stretching in many different positions.

From the serve to over head smashes a player is extending and moving their arms and legs.

5. Speed

A tennis player will run back and forth quite a bit during a tennis match. This helps a player develop speed and increase their ability to retrieve tennis balls.

This video outlines some great information on the benefits of tennis.

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